K9HS Courses Blog
Check out our blog posts to keep in touch and progress your canine services. Our focus is to ensure you are updated with news, advancements, discussion and interesting topics.
The 2024 IRVAP Conference
The 2024 IRVAP Conference in October is open to all, with tickets at ridiculous discounted prices. Do not miss out as tickets sold out last year in 3 weeks. The line up of presenters is again excellent and the venue is superb, a fantastic networking day and certificated CPD hours for all to benefit from.
Wellbeing for Therapists
A therapist’s wellbeing is crucial for successful practice and essential for the overall welfare of the therapist, dog and owner. We know wellbeing is fundamental to each individual plus has a proven significant impact on the service they provide over both the immediate and the long term.
What is K9 CPD?
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) describes the learning activities which professionals engage in to develop and expand their knowledge and skills over their career journey. CPD is a holistic approach that needs planning to fit the needs of each practitioner.
Canine Natural Balanced Motion
Dogs organise their movement very differently to humans. They require specific canine techniques to achieve the best results to improve their mobility and function, to live their life to the full.
Canine Movement Enrichment Techniques
Canine Movement Enrichment techniques consists of Therapeutic Handling and Clinic Enrichment treatment techniques. This holistic approach is very proprioceptively enriched, achieving amazing results for dogs movement, fitness and function.
New Year “Paws” & Reflect
Now is the perfect time to set intentions, plan your CPD for the New Year and foster your professional growth to transform your service. Identify your aims and consider how to progress and advance the service you provide animals and owners.
Hydrotherapy Water Management
Exploring why safe and effective water management in canine hydrotherapy is so important and part of being a professional canine therapist. Includes updates on the the latest advances and clinical skills development in current canine hydrotherapy.
Mastering Clinical Reasoning
Canine therapists are healthcare professionals providing a therapeutic service to dogs and their owners. As practitioners, we use clinical reasoning skills to provide the best treatment for our canine patients to improve their balance, movement and function, leading to happy dogs.
Time to Think for Business Success
Proactive thinking time including creative time, is invaluable in achieving long term success for your therapy business. An ethical led service balancing your beliefs and maintaining a healthy work-life approach, is the optimum approach for canine therapists.